Friday, December 30, 2011

Temple of Heaven

Temple of Heaven is a complex of Taoist buildings are very famous in the world. The temple complex is located in the southeastern part of downtown Beijing. Every part of this temple is circular in shape which is said to represent Heaven. The complex was visited by the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest. And this place is regarded as a Taoist temple.

This temple complex was built during the reign of Emperor Yongle 1406-1420, which is also responsible for the construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing. The complex was extended and renamed Temple of Heaven during the reign of Emperor Jiajing in the 16th century. This temple was renovated in the 18th century under Emperor Qianlong. In 1918 the temple was turned into a park and for the first time open to the public.

Temple of Heaven was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1998 and described as a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design which simply and graphically illustrates a cosmogony is very important for the evolution of one of the world's great civilizations.
And now the neighborhood of the Temple of Heaven became a very popular park for exercise.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Paro Taktsang

Paro Taktsang is the popular name of Palphug Taktsang Monastery, also known as Tiger's Nest, the site of the temple complex and highly skaral and famous in the world. This place is situated on the cliffs above the valley of Paro, Bhutan. A temple complex was first built in 1692, where Guru Padmasambhava is said to have meditated for three months in the 8th century.
According to legend, Guru Rinpoche said that the land on the cliff when he was riding a tigress after which he went to meditate for many years in a cave.

Monastic buildings consist of four major temples and housing shelters ideally designed to adapt to the (granite) stone edges, caves and rocky. Of the eight caves, four relatively easy to access. All the buildings are interconnected through the steps and stairs made ​​of stone. There are some old wooden bridge along the path and stairs to cross. Temple at the highest level has a decor of Buddha. Each building has a balcony, which overlooks a beautiful valley of Paro.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Shwedagon or also known as the Golden Pagoda, is a stupa or pagoda as high as 98 meters (321.5 feet) gold-plated and is located in the western part of Lake Kandawgyi, in Singuttara hills, and dominates the views of the city of Yangon, Myanmar. The structure is all made ​​of gold and Buddhists use their savings to buy gold leaf, which they attach to the walls of the temple. Buddhist Stupa is the most sacred for the people of Burma because it stores the relics of previous Buddhas, namely stick Kakusandha, Konagamana water filter, a piece of robe Kassapa and eight hairs of Gautama Siddhartha, the historical Buddha.

And design of the pagoda is, there are four entrances to the Paya that lead up the steps to the platform on Singuttara Hill. Eastern and southern approaches have vendors that sell books, good luck charms, Buddha statues, candles, gold leaf, incense, prayer flags, streamers, miniature umbrellas and flowers. A pair of giant leogryphs called chinthe guards the entrance and the image in the temple at the top of the stairs from the south is that the second Buddha, Konagamana. Base or pedestal stupas made ​​of brick covered with gold plates. Above the base is a terrace that only monks and men can access. Next is part of the bell-shaped stupa. Above it is the turban, then almsbowl reversed, inverted and upright lotus petals, banana shoots and then the crown. Crown or umbrella that ends with 5448 diamonds and 2317 rubies.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wat Rong Khun

Wat Rong Khun is a very famous temple in the country, even to d world. The temple is located in Chiang Rai, Thailand is a Buddhist and Hindu temples conventional contemporary, designed by Chalermchai Kositpipat in 1997 and completed in 2008.

Wat Rong Khun is different from other temples in Thailand, because it is completely white. The color white stands for purity of the Buddha, with the intended white glass stands for Lord Buddha wisdom that "shines the light of the whole Earth and the Universe." All the paintings in the ubosot (assembly hall) has a golden tone. The four walls, ceiling and floor contain paintings showing escape from the defilements temptation to reach a state of supra-worldly. On the roof, there are four kinds of animals that represent earth, water, wind and fire. Elephant stands for the earth, the dragon stands for water, the wings of a swan is a wind, and fire represents the lion's mane.

Now, Wat Rong Khun is still under construction. When completed, the construction project Wat Rong Khun will consist of nine buildings: the ubosot, the space containing the relics of the Buddha, the space containing the image of Buddha, preaching hall, chamber of contemplation, the monk's cell, Buddhavasa door façade, art galleries, and toilets.
And this beautiful temple is said that in 90 years will be included in the List 7 Wonders of the World.