Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sri Gethuk Waterfall, Grand Canyon of Yogyakarta

Exotic Grand Canyon in northern Arizona, the United States would no longer be denied. Grand Canyon is a natural formation of ravines and steep cliffs are decorated by the flow of the Colorado River. Name of the Grand Canyon and then spoofed into Green Canyon to name a tourist attraction in West Java are quite similar, the flow of the river that divides the high cliffs. Gunungkidul as an area that is often assumed to be dry and barren region was also similar to the beauty store, the green of the river which divides the canyon with a beautiful waterfall that never stops flowing in every season. The waterfall is known as Sri Gethuk Waterfall.

Based on a story that people believe, the waterfall is a storage place kethuk which is one of Jin's gamelan instruments Anggo Meduro. Therefore, it is called by the name of Sri Gethuk Waterfall. That said, at certain times of the Hamlet Menggoran gamelan is often heard coming from the direction of the waterfall. 
This waterfall can be reached for approximately two hours from the city of Yogyakarta. Initially, I thought that the way to the sights completely smooth. Apparently when entering the village Bleberan, poor road infrastructure and a bit rocky. However, all of it paid by the beauty of Sri Gethuk Waterfall.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The World's tallest tower Tokyo Sky tree

The Tokyo Sky Tree, Japan, officially opened to the public on Tuesday (22/5). The building is the tallest tower in the world. In addition, the Tokyo Sky Tree became the second tallest building in the world after Burj Dubai Khalifa in Dubai (830 meters).

Local people are curious about the 634-meter-high building. They immediately meet the observation deck on the 350th floor and the floor 450.

But the weather on the day of the inauguration of Tokyo looks cloudy. So that citizens could enjoy the view of the city with the maximum.


However, leadership development company Tobu Railways, Yoshizumi Nezu, said the rain would fall was a blessing. Building that has a meaning of the name as 'Tokyo Sky Tree' it needs water to grow and develop.

High Tokyo Sky Tree tower beat Canton in China (600 meters). Tokyo Tower has 312 stores and restaurants. There is also an aquarium and planetarium. Tower will also replace the Tokyo Tower is the television and radio transmitters.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dubai Aquarium and Under Water Zoo

Dubai Aquarium and Under Water Zoo is one of several world-famous Aquarium. Aquarium was opened in 2008, and located on the ground floor of one of the most impressive shopping centers in the United Arab Emirates. The most makes this place so famous for being one of the world's largest Aquarium, and officially won the Guinness World Record for "Largest Acrylic Panel 'in the world (the width of 32.88 m, height 8.3 m and weight 245 614 kg).

This aquarium is home to 33 000 marine species, including 400 sharks and rays of the star is a sand tiger shark. This pond has a capacity of 10 million liters of water. The main aquarium tank is 51 meters high, is 20 meters and 11 meters high.
There are several ways for visitors to enjoy the beauty of this Aquarium, which went through an underwater tunnel, a 48-meter runway that juts into the water and allow the views of 270 degrees to eleven feet below the surface of the tank. And another way is by ship glass that allows you to see life in the Aquarium. But if you are looking for something more extreme, then you can choose to dive and snorkel to swim with sharks and watch them directly in front of you.