Saturday, June 30, 2012


Uluru - World Tourism will discuss about the attractions Australia Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a large sand stone formations in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia. Uluru is located at 335 km or 208 miles from the south west of the nearest large town, the town of Alice Springs, which is 450 miles or 280 miles by road.

Tjuta and Uluru are the two main features of the National Uluru - Kata Tjuta Park. Uluru is sacred to the Anangu, the Aboriginal people in the area. The area around the formations are home to a large number of springs, waterholes, rock caves and ancient paintings. Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site.

Uluru tourism infrastructure is developed adjacent to the base of Uluru that began in 1950 until it adversely affects the surrounding area. So that in 1970 all accommodation related tourist facilities be removed and rebuilt outside the park. In 1975, the reservation of 104 square kilometers of land that is outside the northern boundary of the park, 15 kilometers or 9 miles from Uluru, was approved for the tourist areas and airports are nearby, known as Yulara.

Land of the camp was closed in 1983 in the area and the motel was closed in late 1984, coinciding with the opening of the Yulara resort. Until in 1992, a majority stake in the resort of Yulara Northern Territory Government hosted by the sale and resort was renamed Uluru Ayers Rock Resort.

Because the park Uluru is listed as a World Heritage Site, the number of visitors each year more and up to 400,000 visitors in 2000. Increased tourism can provide economic benefits of regional and national levels.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Killer Lake Cameroon

This Killer Lake Cameroon actually has very beautiful scenery. But the events that occurred in 1986, some people are reluctant to come to this place. Even for the incident people call this a Killer Lake Cameroon. Then or in 1986, an explosion of CO2 from Nyos Killer Lake Cameroon, killing 1700 people of Western as well as thousands of cattle. Radius of the blast range of Co2 is toxic to 25 kilometers. 

Co2 dissolve seeping from springs beneath the lake and caught in deep water with high hydrostatic pressure. If the CO2 saturation level is reached, bubbles appear and attract a rich mixture of gas and water. A process as claimed overall landslide triggering events that occurred in 1986. Since 1990, the French team has conducted a series of tests in an attempt to release the gas slowly through a vertical pipe. 

Nyos Killer Lake Cameroon is a murderer or a crater lake in the northwest area of ​​Cameroon, located 322 kilometers west of the Sea of ​​Yaounde. Nyos Killer Lake Cameroon is high on the active side of a volcano in the Oku Volcanic mainland, along the Cameroon line of volcanic activity. A water-filled volcanic lake dam.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tanah lot bali beach

Tanah lot bali beach - World Tourism times this will provide a review  Tanah Lot of attractions on the island of Bali. Bali is the most famous attractions of Indonesia country. Tanah lot bali beach One of them is located in the village of Tabanan District Beraban Kediri or rather 13km west of Tabanan. Here there is a temple called Pura Uluwatu is located on a large stone standing on the beach cliffs. It was said Pura Tanah lot bali beach, Bali is part of the heaven and Dang temple replica temple of the god of the sea, including marine guards in the area of ​​Bali.
Tanah lot bali beach
In the area around Tanah lot bali beach handicraft arts, there are some results of the local community. The inn also has ample parking and clean. In Tanah lot bali beach you can enjoy the beautiful sunset at around 17:00 to 18:00 AM. This can be more beautiful scenery to be enjoyed when you are standing on a cliff while enjoying food restaurants.
Tanah lot bali beach
The following is a schedule of ceremonies at Tanah lot bali beach:
-On the 16th of June to celebrate Saraswati holiday. Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge in Bali. This ceremony is celebrated with less to clean the castle castle around Tanah lot bali beach also decorate it.
-In June 4th is celebrated Purnama Sadha or commonly called the Full Moon in Bali. This month is considered good, so are hundreds of temples celebrate
-On June 5 Anggara Kasih Dukut known, or commonly known as Anggara Kliwon which is a good day for physical cleaning of each individual family. Usually they meditate and pray to god Ludra.
-On June 10, is a good day for them to clear the mind and the environment from negative home compound. They used to meditate and pray to Lord Shiva.
Tanah lot bali beach
If you have plans to vacation in Bali island, then do not miss a chance at Tanah lot bali beach. Because a lot of interesting things here that I can not mention one by one.
Tanah lot bali beach

Friday, June 1, 2012

The beautiful city of Osaka in Japan

Osaka city is located on the island of Honshu, at the mouth of Yodo River on Osaka Bay. This city is one of the major industrial center and port, and also the capital of Osaka Prefecture and the center of Osaka-Kobe metropolitan area, Kyoto. To the east, neighboring Osaka Kyoto and Nara, and to the west of the city of Kobe. Osaka is part of the Kansai region.

Osaka is a metropolis of water, with rivers and the largest number of bridges in Japan through countless. According to the Japanese, there are "808 building bridges" in Osaka. It is said that for the Japanese, the number "8083 is an extraordinary amount of money, and was tantamount to not counted. Actual number of existing bridges in Osaka is 790, among which, 761 bridges managed by Osaka city government.

There are two in downtown Osaka, the Umeda in the north, and south of Namba. Both the city center connected by a main road called Midosuji. Trade offices, banks, and Japanese conglomerates are generally centered around Jalan Midosuji. Midosuji Street scene with leaves that turn yellow Ginkgo trees in autumn is very beautiful.