Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Big Hole

The Big Hole - World Tourism will discuss about the The Big Hole. Maybe you do not believe this when you first see it. Yes, all this does not seem real and looks like a computer trick. But this is true, The Big Hole Kimberley Mine which is located in an underground mine located in Kimberley, South Africa, and claimed to be the biggest hole dug by hand.
The Big Hole is currently trying to register as a World Heritage Site.  The Big Hole has a surface area of ​​17 hectares or about 42 hectares and 463 meters or approximately 1519 feet wide. From July 1871 until mid-1914 up to 50,000 miners dug the hole with picks and shovels, yielding 2720 kilograms of diamonds. It was excavated to a depth of 240 meters or about 790 feet, but then partially infilled with debris reducing the depth of about 215 meters or about 705 feet.
Since then it has accumulated about 40 meters or about 130 ft of water, leaving the 175 meters, or about 574 feet from the hole visible. After the operation on the ground became too dangerous and unproductive, the kimberlite pipes of the Kimberley Mine also mined underground by Cecil Rhodes' De Beers company to a depth of 1097 meters or approximately 3599 feet. Large companies have been subsequently worked in the  The Big Hole up to a depth of 215 meters, with a surface area of about 17 acres, and circumference of 1.6 kilometers.

Based on the idea of ​​creating "a lasting legacy for the people of Kimberley." Between 2002 and 2005, De Beers invested R50 million in developing the  The Big Hole into a world-class tourism facilities, new facilities, Kimberley  The Big Hole , outlining a theme 'Diamonds and Destiny', is expected to double the number of visitors to the  The Big Hole .

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